Drevni oblik masaže jedinstven za Tajland koji se prenosi kroz generacije, tradicionalna tajlandska masaža je mešavina masaže dubokog tkiva koristeći tačke pritiska i tehnike istezanja za ublažavanje bolova u mišićima, smanjenje stresa, oslobađanje napetosti, povećanje vitalnosti i fleksibilnosti i poboljšanje cirkulacije krvi dok okrepljuje i podmlađuje telo um i dušu. Radost života i pozitivno razmišljanje. Potpuno je jedinstven po primeni pokreta, ritma i dodira, kombinujući ih u dinamično i magično jedinstvo.
An ancient form of massage unique to Thailand passed down through generation, the Traditional Thai massage is a blend of deep tissue massage using pressure points and stretching technique to relieve muscle soreness, reduce stress, Release tension, increase vitality and flexibility and improve blood circulation while invigorating and rejuvenating the body mind and soul.Joy of life and positive thinking.It is entirely unique in it’s application of movement,rhythm and touch, combining them into a dynamic and magic unity.
For you, our loyal clients, we have decided to introduce a new PROMOTION! Starting now, anyone who visits us 4 times within 30 days and undergoes an aromatic oil massage or a Thai massage – will get the fifth massage for free! We are grateful for your support and for being with us from the very beginning! This is our way of showing appreciation to you.